The revered museum building by Gustav Gull is 'clothed' in a new, noble costume
with the addition of an attic. The entire building is understood as a unity – the exis-
ting building and the extension are rendered in a monochrome blue. The loggia of
the roof allows a view from the street up into the interior, similar to the lapel of a
suit. A public loggia high above the street, with a view over the roofs of St. Gallen.
The roof covers the glazed front, in the form of a colonnade, like a cloth. Under
this roof is both the museum café and space for workshops or lectures. Several
entrances lead from the blue loggia into a large exhibition hall. A simple box, the
hall extends over the entire length of the building and its size complements a ran-
ge of exhibition spaces. The height of the room and the fact that it is accessible
via several entrances allow it to be used in a variety of ways.
Year: 2021 Type:
Cultural Area: 4‘250m2
Textile Museum Extension, St. Gallen, CH, 2020; Competition;
Architecture: Studio Iannone & Atelier Amont & David Moser;
Consultants: Damian Fopp and Annina Meier;
Curators at Museum Für Gestaltung, Zürich.
Year: 2021 Type:
Cultural Area: 4‘250m2
Textile Museum Extension, St. Gallen, CH, 2020; Competition;
Architecture: Studio Iannone & Atelier Amont & David Moser;
Consultants: Damian Fopp and Annina Meier;
Curators at Museum Für Gestaltung, Zürich.