With the simple gesture of extending a roof and sunshades a substantial distance
past the facade of the multi-purpose hall, a meaningful space is generated which
allows for interaction with the park and sports fields. An existing barn, recom-
mended by the program to be destroyed, is re-used for storage and warm-weather
activities, and forms a gate with another new building containing after-school and
communal facilities. Both are linked with a trellis of plants which becomes a per-
gola over the path towards the nearby river. Taken individually the three buildings
appear banal, but through the serial repetition of columns at their facades (actual-
ly tension members in the case of the large hall building), the ensemble recalls a
classic forum – a generous offer for the public.
Year: 2020 Type:
Education Area: 1‘250m2
Community Hall, Münchwilen, Thurgau, CH, 2020; Competition; Architecture: Studio Iannone & Atelier Amont;
Collaborator(s): Marc Sanchez Alfonso;
Landscape: De Molfetta & Strode, Lugano;
Traffic Planning: CSD Engineers, Lausanne.
Year: 2020 Type:
Education Area: 1‘250m2
Community Hall, Münchwilen, Thurgau, CH, 2020; Competition; Architecture: Studio Iannone & Atelier Amont;
Collaborator(s): Marc Sanchez Alfonso;
Landscape: De Molfetta & Strode, Lugano;
Traffic Planning: CSD Engineers, Lausanne.