The existing structure with its serial character of columns and slabs has been
preserved. Behind it is the huge Hafenbacken 1, mainly built of bricks and concre-
te, but with steel elements for technical aspects such as the gallery access. Our
building, which has a unique character because it belongs to the industrial area,
will now be part of the residential quarter on the other side of the river. It is, so to
speak, part of both worlds and our proposal aims to reflect this dynamic.
Year: 2020
Type: Living/Working Area: 4‘150m2
Small Apartments & Ateliers (Transformation); Basel-Kleinhüningen, CH, 2020; Competition;
Architecture: Studio Iannone & Atelier Amont Collaborator(s): Zhiwei Liu.
Year: 2020
Type: Living/Working Area: 4‘150m2
Small Apartments & Ateliers (Transformation); Basel-Kleinhüningen, CH, 2020; Competition;
Architecture: Studio Iannone & Atelier Amont Collaborator(s): Zhiwei Liu.